There are websites you can trust, and websites that you can't trust. Here are some quick tricks for evaluating websites:
1. The URL may help you - if it ends in .edu, .net, .org, or .gov it is an 'official' site.
2. Look at the author of the website. Check the copyright symbol which is usually at the bottom of the website. If there is no author or way to find out who wrote the website, that could be a red flag.
3. Check the age of the website. It should be close to the copyright at the bottom of the page.
4. Are there lots of ads on the website? If it does, that could be another red flag.
5. Was the website recommended by someone you trust?
6. Can you find the same information on another website or a book?
Below are some websites or videos online. Check to see if you can see if they are trustworthy. North American House Hippo - Can you trust this site?